Robert (Bob) Anderson was passionate about falconry and restoring the peregrine falcon to the bluffs of the Mississippi River. His passion and dedication attracted the attention of many to the cause and he founded the Raptor Resource Project (RRP) in 1988. Bob’s passion for scientific research and raptors spilled out to everyone around him, including children and teachers. Eagle research and filming in Decorah, Iowa led to the establishment of the world-famous Decorah Eagle camera that reaches millions of naturalists and students today.
This scholarship fund is presented through the Winneshiek County Community Foundation and RRP. The endowment fund will award scholarships to selected Luther College students in Decorah, Iowa and is designed to receive gifts through contributions, bequests, charitable trust remainders, and other gifts directed to the Fund. Students will be selected on criteria including demonstrated concern for the environment through positive environmental activism and community involvement or independent studies related to environmentalism.
One-year scholarships for Iowa high school graduates attending Luther College seeking an undergraduate/graduate degree in environmental studies or students majoring in political science, museum studies, journalism, data science, chemistry, biology, or other related degree and who have also demonstrated through previous studies and activities their intent to apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities to address environmental issues. Strongest preference should be given to students who have demonstrated their concern for the environment through positive environmental activism, community involvement that includes a strong environmental aspect, and/or independent studies related to environmentalism. The next preference level is for students who demonstrate financial need. Lastly level of preference is for students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Selected students are eligible to reapply for this scholarship for up to three additional years. To apply, contact the Luther College Financial Aid Office.
Financial gifts to the Robert Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund with the Winneshiek County Community Foundation allows the Community Foundation to award financial assistance to students pursuing higher education. As the cost of tuition continues to rise, it is more important now than ever to diminish the barrier of affordability and allow students to focus on what is most important - their education.
Gifts to the fund may be eligible for the Endow Iowa 25% state tax credit. This tax incentive is only available to Iowa residents.
Click here to read more about Bob Anderson and his legacy.