Fayette County Impact Now Fund

Richard Griffin Falck Family Foundation

Malvin Tribon Fayette County Memorial Fund

Maynard Community Library Endowment Fund

Diane Teig Memorial Endowment Fund

Robert and Ruth Walker Charitable Fund (Quasi)

Mark and Denise Nelson Family Fund

Fayette County Impact Forever Fund

Fayette County Community Foundation Distributes $176,710 to Local Nonprofit Organizations

Photo Courtesy of Oelwein Daily Register

The Fayette County Community Foundation (FCCF) held its 2024 grant awards celebration at the Hawkeye Community Hall on January 21, announcing the distribution of $176,710.47 to 23 projects of organizations serving Fayette County through its 2024 grant cycle. 

Grant recipient, organization, project the grant will fund, and grant amount is listed below by funding area. 

Program Area: Arts & Culture 

Program Area: Community Betterment 

Program Area: Education & Youth Development 

Program Area: Environment & Animal Welfare 

Program Area: Health 

Program Area: Human Service 

Decisions on grant awards are determined by a local committee, which consists of volunteers from Fayette County. Committee members include Richard Scheffel (Chair), Janell Bradley, Robin Bostrom, Jeff Bunn, Erica Bushaw, Andrea Dietzenbach, Kenneth Hemesath, Patricia Hunsberger, Mark Krellcom, Rita Losh, Bradley Minger, Jen Stolka, Curt Strong, and Jami Tafolla. FCCF funds established by generous donors contributing to the discretionary grant process include the Malvin Tribon Fayette County Memorial Fund. 

Grants are awarded through FCCF’s competitive grant process to projects in the program areas of arts and culture, community betterment, education and youth development, environment and animal welfare, health and human service. Grant applicants must be a 501(c)(3) designated organization or government entity serving Fayette County in order to be considered for funding. The 2025 grant cycle opens September 1 with an application deadline of October 15. The grant guidelines and application can be found at http://www.fayetteccf.org/.  

Fayette County Grants